
Let's Start Over

Hello everyone,
It's been a long time since I decided to venture onto my blog again. I liked blogging but with the major transitions that were happening in my life it made it very difficult to continue with it on a regular basis. So what are these major transitions that I speak of? Well I'm now a full time student in a graduate program and let me tell you, it's kicking my butt. The volume of reading that I have already did has been overwhelming, and it's only been like two weeks

 The outfit is simple and very fall inspired, and cost less than $40 minus the handbag. I got the dress at Zara last season on sale. The heels are thrifted. The dress also captures the hot trend of oxblood or burgundy  for the fall.

 The handbag is one of my favorite handbags and the few luxury items that I own. If you follow me, you may know that I love a bargain and love thrifting. However, when I saw this item 8 months ago, I had to have it. It has been sitting in my closet for awhile unfortunately. However, recently I have been wearing it months straight.
Anyways more to come stay tuned,
Sincerely Miss J 
Outfit Information: Dress: Zara,Handbag:Coach, Heels:Thrifted
