
Six ways to boost your energy level

7 Ways to boost your energy, Toronto Blogger, Fitness challenge
A couple of months ago I was feeling completely run down. I was extremely fatigued to the point that I often started drifting to sleep mid sentence after 8pm. I was stressed to the max with the wedding, new job and just keeping up with every day life. My lack of energy affected my mood, my productivity, and my memory. I was even too tried to participate in things that I loved doing including blogging.
I decided to change a few things in my life to help boost my energy level. So, in no particular order, here are my six things I did that helped boost my energy level.

Six Ways to Boost Your Energy Level

1. Exercise 

One of the biggest changes I made was incorporating exercise into my daily routine. I joined a gym with my husband and we go three times a week. We focus on cardio and weight training. I also made a concerted effort to avoid elevators at my work and opted to take the stairs whenever I can. It might mean going up 9 flights of stairs but just doing that once or twice a few days per week in addition has helped with my endurance.

2. Eating Healthy

I am still working on eating healthy. I consume more fruit and veggies and I'm gradually cutting out the junk. The biggest contributor to my lack of energy was candy and sweet snacks. I would eat them and have a boost of energy from the sugar rush only to crash later in the day.

3. Avoid Skipping Meals

Skipping one meal on occasion may not affect you too much but if that pattern continues it could contribute to your fatigue. Your body needs food for nutrients and energy to avoid periods of low blood sugars. I've learned to avoid skipping meals especially breakfast and I've started to eat small snacks through out the day.

4. Drinking More Water 

I have been getting into the habit of drinking more water and avoiding juices and soda drinks. My main weakness was Ginger ale. Oh how I love Ginger ale, but I only drink it once every few days in small portions now instead of almost daily before.

5. Improving my Spiritual Life and Reducing Stress 

Major stresses can have a great impact on your physical self. If you have not found healthy ways to deal with your stress it could run you down. I found it beneficial to improve my spiritual self by reading the bible, praying, and going to church regularly. I also take time every morning to reflect and pray especially before I start a potentially stressful long day at work.

6. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene.

For a while my sleeping patterns were off. I was feeling sleepy even during the day which made it hard to sleep at night. I would eat junk and fall asleep right after making me feel really fatigued and more tired when I woke up. My sleep pattern is better and I would suggest you avoid sleeping immediately after a meal. I sleep at much more regular times now and my husband hasn't called me grandma in weeks!

Although my energy level has not returned fully, it is slowly getting there. Just a few seemingly minor improvements can truly change a lot of things.

Hope you enjoyed the post 
Until Next Time 
Sincerely Miss J

What things do you do to naturally boost up your own energy level?
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