
5 Tips to Building Your Network

5 Tips to Building Your Network, Toronto Blogger, Sincerely Miss J

In any industry building a network is essential because it allows you to connect with like minded people, which can essentially grow multiple aspects of your life.
This concept is no different in blogging or social media. Networking is key if you want to survive in this large world of blogging. I found out the hard way years ago how difficult it was when you don't make an effort to build your network. This resulted in stunted growth for me and blogging became a pretty lonely place.

The other day I had the pleasure of collaborating with blogger Mirabelle from Pixelated Passion and photographer Love Over Lenses. It was such a fun shoot. We worked together to achieve these shots that I could have never done alone.
Over the last few years I have been using these easy tips to help build my network, and wanted to share them with you today. These tips are not only good for blogging but can be applied to any industry.
5 Tips to Building Your Network, Toronto Blogger, Sincerely Miss J

Need help building your network? Check out these tips:

1. Reach out 

Don't be afraid to reach out to people you sincerely admire and are interested in connecting with. Most things never happen if you wait for people you want to connect with to reach out to you first. If you reach out and they never get back to you learn to follow up in a polite way. My rule is I will try to follow up twice. If no response after the second try I know it's not meant to be.

2. Go to networking events: the best way to network is to connect with people in person. 

Try your best to go to events to meet other people face to face. Face to face interaction is key when it comes to building relationships with other people and gaining them as apart of your supporters. People like to see the face behind the screen.

3. Never deem anyone as unimportant. 

We're all in this together! Even those who have less page views or less followers have feelings and they can enrich your life as well. They want to build their network just like you're building yours. Don't just ignore them or discard their attention or interaction just because they don't have the same numbers as you do. At the end of the day, numbers mean nothing. Relationships are everything.

4. Join groups- social media groups, message boards, so on. 

The more groups you join, the more chances you'll find your "tribe" and the people that will always be behind you supporting you. If you can't find the right group, create one of your own.

5. Be nice and sincere, but honest and real.  

Who likes a fake person? No one. When you are networking with other people, always show them the nice side of you and be sincere about it. But don't be fake nice, because people can always tell when it's not sincere. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Hope you enjoyed the post
Until Next Time
Sincerely Miss J

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