
How to wear floral and stripes

floral and strips
floral and strips
floral and strips
floral and strips
floral and strips
floral and strips

March has now arrived and hopefully with its arrival, it brings better weather that is fit for Spring. A couple of weeks ago we had a brief spell of good weather, which explains the big smile on my face in the first picture. So, I thought I would sneak in some of my favourite key spring pieces that I have been dying to wear. For me, some of those key pieces was this light floral jacket and these super cool silver flats that I had purchased for cheap during a store closing sale. The outfit theme was floral and stripes. I added the tan bag by Mefie UK to complete the look. The most interesting thing about this outfit is the mixing of three distinct  patterns; the shirt, the jacket and the bag, which for some is easier said than done
Tip: If you want to mix patterns make sure you pull similar colours from each pattern. Example: the jacket and bag share yellows, greens, and oranges.
Hope you enjoy the outfit
 What do you think about stripes and florals? What are your thoughts on mixing patterns?

Outfit Information 
Jacket: Sears
Shirt: Thrifted 
Pants: Urban Planet Similar here
Shoes: Sears
Bag: c/o Mefie UK (can get it here

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