
Vacation Prints + OOTD from Boa Boutique

Vacation Print Dress, Toronto Blogger
My husband and I didn't get to go on a honeymoon immediately after our wedding. Due to bad timing and planning fatigue we decided to plan it later on. 
I love traveling and there are so many places around the world that I would love to visit. My top three are Morocco, Greece, and Kenya.
Vacation Print Dress, Toronto Blogger
In the meantime I am getting my vacation fix through beautiful vacation prints like this dress from Boa Boutique featuring a beautiful tropical print. Vacation prints are tropical-feeling motifs such as the palm tree print. The dress can be used as a cover up or be worn as a dress on a night out. It's perfect for anyone trying to pack light.
Vacation Print Dress, Toronto Blogger
Hope you enjoyed the post 
Until Next Time,
Sincerely Miss J 

Outfit Information: Dress: c/o Boa Boutique // Heels: Sirens (old)

How would you style this printed dress?

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