
5 simple ways to ensure that your clothes look great on you!!

See original post here 

In many instances, it's not merely the actually clothing item that makes us look great but a combination of how we choose to wear our favourite items in our closet. You don't have to spend a lot of money to look like you spent a lot of money. Here are five simple tips to ensure that your clothes look great on you. 

1.      The no wrinkle zone -> Personally, I absolutely hate ironing, however, regardless of how we may feel about it, pressing your clothes prior to wearing them instantly polishes off your look. Another, option is using a streamer to freshen and eliminate wrinkles. Often times depending on the material a streamer is a faster option.

2. Strains be gone! -> Ensuring that your clothing items are clean and strain free gives your clothing and yourself a more presentable appearance. I use to carry a stain removal pen with me everywhere because I have a very bad tendency of dropping anything that I drink or eat on myself.

3. The perfect fit-> It does not matter how expensive the item of clothing is but if the fit is off, you lose the potential to look really great in it. Make sure to know your size and ensure that it’s the correct fit. If the fit is a bit off, finding a good tailor is an investment that can instantly make a world of difference in how your clothes fit you. FYI, it’s usual easier to tailor something to fit if it’s slightly larger than to make something smaller bigger.

See original post here

4. Following cleaning instructions of your items-> Ensuring that the proper cleaning instructions results in preserving the integrity of the fabric and preventing the item from losing structure, color or quality. Ultimately, if clothing constantly appears brand new, and less worn out it just looks that more appealing on you.

5. Wearing the right undergarments-> The right undergarments will prevent underwear lines, lumps, burgling, and help sharp your body to give you a certain silhouette for certain clothing.

That’s it folks, 5 easy tips that can make your clothes look great on you.

Do you have any other tips that help you look great in your clothes, please share below!
Until Next Time,
Sincerely Miss J

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